In the mid 1960’s Reverend George Howson, the then Vicar at St Chad’s Church, Over, was concerned when the plans to develop Winsford as an overspill area for Manchester and Liverpool were finally passed. [Read more…]
Ben Robinson – the life of a waterman and a mystery
At the height of salt production many local families were associated with the trade on the River Weaver. In Winsford, names such as Bracegirdle, Hough, Fitton, Bowden, Hulse, Atherton, Curzon and Robinson come to mind. [Read more…]
One of the oldest surviving buildings in Winsford – Littler Grange
Littler Grange stands off Littler Lane in Over, Winsford, an impressive building erected in the 16th century and is grade 2 listed. [Read more…]
Swanlow Lane follows the top of the sandy ridge that projects south from the ancient borough of Over. [Read more…]
Old traditional customs – Soul Caking
The old English custom of souling or soul caking is thought to date back to the tenth century or even pagan times. The soul cakers would go from house to house singing either a begging song or a plea for prayers for the dead. [Read more…]